4 servings
4 pieces of skinless chicken, breast or thigh
2 tsp canola oil
1/3 cup soy sauce
2/3 cup vinegar
1/2 medium onion, chopped
In a Dutch oven or heavy skillet, brown the chicken in oil. Add other ingredients,
cover and simmer on low heat about 45 minutes. Serve over brown rice.
Note: This recipe works fine in the Crockpot. You can even omit browning the
chicken in oil, if you like (I usually do when I use the Crockpot). Just throw the chicken, vinegar, soy sauce, and
onion in the Crockpot and cook for about 5 hours on high, or 8 to 9 hours on low (cooking times may vary depending on the
age, make, and size of your slow cooker).
Core Recipe; 4 points (not including rice) on Flex for breast (3 points if
you use thigh)
Per Serving: 173 Calories for breast (126 Calories for thigh); 4g Fat (19.9%
calories from fat) for breast (5g Fat for thigh); 29g Protein; 6g Carbohydrate; trace Dietary Fiber; 68mg Cholesterol; 1449mg
Exchanges: 4 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 1/2 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates.
Source: Based on Susie Silva's recipe